Thursday, June 12, 2008

If I Were Principal

I Would Change:
(another post--and typos--by 2nd grade guest blogger, Kieran)

1. Pizza lunch to Monday
2. We can ware any clothes (no uniforms)
3. Ware heelies
4. You can do school work outside
5. Can do art on wall
6. Get a cafeteria

Monday, June 9, 2008

To Do Week 2 of Summer

1. still laundry, laundry, and more laundry
2. set up dermatologist appointments
3. sort through boys' books and make stacks for summer reading
4. hair appointment
5. grocery shopping
6. make appointment to take the car to the shop
7. fun trip to Border's Books
8. clean the bathrooms (still)
9. upload fall, winter, and spring photos to
10. decide which Whitebox photos to order and in what size, and order them!
11. take Kohler out for ice-cream to celebrate last day of school
12. piano lesson, guitar lesson, two Tae Kwon Do classes + test, daily swim team, final baseball game
13. figure out B meet duties

List of Things We Should Do At Summer Camp

{given to my 10-year-old by his best friend, in preparation for their first time at sleep-away camp}

1. Don't go in patches with lots of leaves, could be poison ivy.
2. Go to bed early or we might get to breakfast late.
3. Always say thank you or how are you doing? to the caffatiria lady.
4. Always stay with the group.
5. Do what cousuolar (counselor) says.
6. Put on bug spray.
7. Maybe bring a little money in case of an emergency or something you want.
8. Don't go to the creek without permission, well actually just don't go.
9. Try not to always be first.
10. Don't get stuck in last in go karts.
11. Be smart, don't make wrong choices.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Things That Make Me Happy

from a guest blogger today, my son, Kieran. I'm sorting through all his 2nd grade papers, and I found his "Writer's Workshop" composition book. This list is from there. The typo's and grammatical errors are all his too! There will definitely be more of these gems in the future!

Things That Make Me Happy:

1. Going to a playdate
2. Having makroni for dinner
3. Going to a trip
4. Sports
5. Playing with my brother
6. Having lunch
7. Reading
8. Being V.I.P.
9. Going to Sabath
10. Going outside

Monday, June 2, 2008

To Do This Week (1st week of summer!)

1. laundry, laundry, and more laundry
2. organize summer menu plans
3. sort through boys' books and make stacks for summer reading
4. sort clothing bins and drawers--reorder by size
5. buy a bar-b-que
6. stock up on veggie meats at ABC
7. fun trip to Tysons Corner and the Lego store
8. clean the bathrooms
9. upload fall, winter, and spring photos to
10. decide which Whitebox photos to order and in what size, and order them!
11. sort through backpacks and end-of-year things kids brought home
12. pay bills